I went sunway v A,K,V,T,Y...long time no sit train ald..some of them even nvr sit train b4!!=.=
In the train,there are many seats,but v still standing..weird..but it is easier to chat v each other..
Reach Subang,then v take bus..he bus sibeh lao pokka..start engine sounds like a loin roaring~
Yuuka says take bus in Japan cost RM6..!!here,70 cent...
On the half way,I met an old man,he sit beside me..then v started our converstation
He asked me some question,very normal wan,r u a student?school?blabla...
He was a lecturer at USM when he was young,now retired..his wife,sit fronter,was a superviser of wat wat(i 4got)..cant imagine..they look so normal..hair are all white,grey..cant imagine they r so educated..However i blif it,coz the way he speak..he says his children r all professor!I asked him where r he goin?He say juz walk around v his wife every weekend...so sweet...
Raech sunway,v skate 1st,We saw many cute kids skating..so damn cute.!!!*.*aiks i fell down,dis time not same as last time, dis time very pain lah!!!my orishi...T.T......AND~~i noe how to skate ler~~~yoohoo
We ate our lunch at The ~Chicken rice shop~~~~~.Tsi says v not suppose to eat ourself...-_-thx 00 for belanja us~and yuuka for bekanja us ice cream...I'm not suppose to eat myself...
Soon,wee take big head stick!!!!!so HIGH when v r taking pict..ppl sure feel we r so weird,,keep screaming~~~luckily yuuka is here,coz the machine are in Japan language..Then ,v spent all the time by shopping but not buying...
We went back at 6pm..then train sibeh crowded,we become sardin fish,squeeze inside a tin(train)...in the train,v r the noisiest...talking loudly laugh loudly...amanda tell me that v r noisy,then oni i realize..=X...i saw some ppl very interested,and keep staring at yuuka, coz she is Japanese...Just escape from the sardin tin,we become TUNA fish !!!LOL duno y i laugh when i writing dis...
KS house.her house come more and more beautiful ler...especially living room and dining room..We have dinner at her house.Yuuka ate so politely..but........5 of us were totally unpolite.....v keep laughin at NOTHING....tsi most easy laugh..ks laugh until cry...i saw tsi laugh i oso laugh,coz her face really funny,whole red red,mouth close tightly the prevent the food split out,wan laugh but dun wan laugh, very painful dat type..00 and yuuka most calm...yuuka eat so fast,oways the winner...she can finish her ice cream at...few seconds??i think...I juz like the ice cream until half,then saw yuuka open her mouth,eating the last piece of cone!!!so damn shocked la!!!however,KS is opposite to her,eat so slow,,really beh tahan.........
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